Since the beginning, Duo Rythmosis runs the project “Musique et proximité - Music and local community”. The aim of this project is the easy access to the music for the different social grounds.
The duo performs in public concerts – for tourist offices, in festivals, official events, art galleries, medico social institutes - or in private concerts – birthdays,
anniversaries, company ceremonies, or conferences.
The proximity between musicians and audience in these types of concerts allows most of the time an exchange about music, and how to make it reachable.
Rythmosis’ work is thus based upon exchange and musicians really enjoy presenting their instruments and talking about the pieces they play.
The project “Music and local community” is spread all over the 26 Swiss cantons since 2012 :
- Private and public events : Jouxtens-Mézery, Lausanne – Music festival, Concerts du Sacré Coeur, Davos – culture Secretary, Diblerets – Summer festival, Baden – Villa Boveri, St Prex, Le Brassus...
- Charity societies – Lully
- Clinics – La Lignière in Gland, Lavigny Institute
- Tourist offices - Loèche-les-bains, Einsideln, Val Ferret La Fouly, Blatten, Oberwald,
- Art galleries - Rox and Co. in Rolle
The Duo Rythmosis wish to thank the Ernst Göhner foundation for their precious support to this project.